
Standard Listing for End of Life Doula Directory

Available Now


Premium Listing for End of Life Doula Directory

Best Value

Listing Enhancements

Enhance your listing with any of the additional features below;

  • $20 Featured Listing
  • $5 HTML Listing Content
  • $5 Visitor Counter
  • $25 Top of Category
  • $5 included Google Map

Total Payment:

$35 for a 365 day listing.

Add Listing

Once you have completed the form below, your new listing will be created but will not go live until payment has been received.
This gives you time to check, modify and preview the listing before payment.
Please note that using Paypal to pay for your listing is FREE of fees.

After your payment has been received, you can edit your listing at any time by logging in with your username and password. If you need any help with your listing please feel free to contact Maria via
info@endoflifedouladirectory.com.au or 0411 221 750

Please note the following listing requirements:
- This directory is currently for End-of-Life DOULAS ONLY. End-of-Life Doulas may advertise their other modalities or services within their listing. If you are not an End-of-Life Doula and wish to advertise your service please contact us to discuss. info@endoflifedouladirectory.com.au
- The title of your listing must be YOUR NAME.
- Only the items marked with a red asterisk are required fields.
- The more information you include, the easier potential clients will be able to search for and find your listing.
- The main picture should be a PROFILE picture of you (not a logo). Maximum image size is 3MB. Logos and other pictures can be added as supplementary pictures if you select the premium listing.
- Images should be approximately the same size and 300 x 300 pixels or smaller for the best effect.
- For the Google map, you must include a suburb, state and postcode. It is up to you if you would like to put a specific address.

Admin can edit your listing to ensure it complies with the above requirements.

***IMPORTANT*** It is a requirement of listing with us that you:
1. Like our Facebook page (if you have a Facebook account). We also invite you to join our Facebook group.
2. Follow our page on Instagram (if you have an Instagram account)
3. Place a reciprocal link on your website (if you have one) and your Facebook page (if you have one).
This will help the directory to gain more exposure which will in turn benefit all practitioners. You will receive an email with further information on this. Please add info@endoflifedouladirectory.com.au to your address book so our email does not go into your spam folder.

If you are already a member please login otherwise we will auto create a new account for you with the email address you provide above.

Minimum of 200 characters.

Separate each keyword with a comma.

Enter your name here (same as title)

(if applicable)

This should be the full URL link i.e. starts with http:// or https://

This should be the full URL link i.e. starts with http:// or https://

This should be the full URL link i.e. starts with http:// or https://

This should be the full URL link i.e. starts with http:// or https://

Mobile - use this format: xxxx xxx xxx

You can edit this at any time once you have finished your training.

Put a year here.

Put the name of the training organisation(s) here.


Please list all your services, modalities and prices here. This section is used for the advanced search (Keywords) so it is a good idea to list everything!

Select all that apply. You must have the top box (Doula) selected or you will not show up in searches.

Anything else you would like to say? You can put as much info in here as you like.

1 maximum categories. 0 selected.
  • NSW & ACT
  • NT
  • QLD
  • SA
  • TAS
  • VIC
  • WA

  • You can select up to 1 media files.
    jpeg/ gif
    You current map location is; Country: State/Province: City: